Thursday, 30 April 2015

Support grows for Baltimore protests as demonstrations spread across the U.S.

CNN)Momentum is growing across the country and demonstrations have spread since the Baltimore protests Tuesday over the death of Freddie Gray. Marchers are taking to the streets to support Baltimore protesters and to complain that police brutality is a problem in their own towns. Gray died from spinal cord injuries on April 19, a week after being arrested by Baltimore police.
Demonstrations have unfolded in Boston, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Minneapolis, New York, Washington, and Ferguson, Missouri. Protests are planned Thursday in Cincinnati and Philadelphia, according to CNN affiliate WXIX and
Demonstrations in SeattlePortland, Oregon; and Oakland, California, are on tap for Friday, which is also May Day or International Workers Day -- often used to call attention to issues affecting the working class and minorities.
In addition to Baltimore, protests took place in at least half a dozen cities

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